In an effort to continually train its workers ensuring that the highest quality is delivered to the client, Rocky Point Home Builders conducted a company training seminar this month focused on the proper techniques for mixing concrete.
The concrete seminar is just one in a series of seminars held each month by the company that employees must attend that focuses on continuing education. Joseph Sanchez, President of Rocky Point Home Builders, believes that this is an important aspect to delivering the utmost in quality while upholding their strict standards of delivering the best finishes.

“This is just one of the keys to being a company that prides itself on only implementing the highest quality and standards. An educated employee is an employee focused on results and this ensures our clients receive the best return on their well spent dollars with us,” says Sanchez.

Rocky Point Home Builders believes in the philosophy of educating their workers and proves this each month by holding one continuing education class that focuses on important topics such as electricity, concrete, plumbing, masonry and more.
“We invest in our company by educating our workers. We set the bar very high for how a professional company should treat its workers and clients. Our motto is First Class, or No Class at all,” says Sanchez.

Rocky Point Home Builders, is the leader in major renovations and custom home design and construction. They are located on Luis Encinas and Calle 24 in Puerto Peñasco, Son. MX. For more information about their services please contact them at on the internet or by phone at 815-553-2683 today!