Rocky Point Home Builder
Serving Puerto Peņasco, Mexico
Call 815-553-2683

How it Works | Rocky Point Home Builders

Working one on one with an American sales associate, we design and build your dream home in Puerto Peņasco on a lot that you purchase. We can build your home in two stages for those without financing allowing time to generate the funds needed for the project or we can build your home in six to eight weeks for those with financing that want to move at a faster pace. Once a design is determined and a contract is signed, we hire local contractors and oversee the building of your home each and every day.  We are experienced at navigating the local bureaucracy to bring electric, water and sewer to your home while abiding by local code and zoning restrictions that the government enforces. We have a team of local masons, architects, electricians, plumbers, laborers, painters and landscapers ready to serve you by building your dream home in Rocky Point Mexico. Contact Us Today!





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