Rocky Point Home Builder-Secrets to Building your Dream Home in Puerto Peñasco

Building a home in Puerto Peñasco a.k.a. Rocky Point is not a difficult process but you must choose a company IMG_9238with an outstanding reputation, a company who abides by Federal Labor Laws, a company who does not use sub-contractors and finally a company who uses American Construction Contracts and American Escrow accounts.

When deciding to build a home in Rocky Point Mexico you must ensure the company you choose follows the Mexican Federal Labor Laws. Here in Mexico, the labor laws are strict as they are in the States. However it is much easier for companies to skirt these laws and most every home builder here in Puerto Peñasco do what they can to skirt these laws. If you hire a company that does not follow the Federal Labor LawIMG_9236s the government can fine your or worse seize your home and you can be responsible to pay any medical bills for any injuries that occur on the job-site.

A company that follows labor laws will pay into the Federal medical insurance system for their workers so if a worker gets injured the company along with government will pay the medical bills. Think of it as workers comp insurance as in the States. However, Beware of companies that hire sub-contractors because 99.9% of the time they are being paid cash with no benefits and you will be on the hook for an injury or if the sub-company does not get paid by yIMG_9183our contractor. An easy way to ensure this does not happen is to hire a company that does NOT hire sub-contractors. At Rocky Point Home Builders we DO follow all labor laws and all our workers are direct employees. We pay into the social security system for each worker and also pay what’s called Infanovit which is another labor benefit. We pay our workers what is mandated by the Federal Government and this protects our clients from any embarrassment. Never use a company who hires sub-contractors or you will be sorry that you did.
Building a home in Rocky Point Mexico is a big decision and makes most Americans nervous. Most Americans do not live here full time so you need a company you can trust with a presence and notoriety in the community. When yo are read to build a home look around town for billboards, check local papeIMG_8003rs for advertisements, make sure the construction company has a website and most of all an office. We have seen it too many times, people will hire a friend off a recommendation. The friend has no office, no contracting, no website nothing. What ends up happening is the job does not get completed, the workers will steal all the materials, there is a lack of communication therefore major mistakes and on and on.

Another requirement should be a list of references that you can call to investigate. Also, it is important that the company has an office in town that is staffed during the day. A company without an office isn’t really a company, so buyer beware. Finally look at their media presence in town, does the company have billboards, to they have a website, what about a Facebook page and finally do they run ads in local newspapers. A no” to any of those things should be a red flag for any American looking to build a home in Puerto
Peñasco, Mexico.

IMG_8009Rocky Point Home Builders is the largest home builder in Puerto Peñasco,Mexico. With offices here in Rocky Point, they directly employee over 50 workers significantly impacting the local economy. Rocky Point Home Builders does not use sub-contractors. Best of all, they are an American Company who uses American Contracts with American Attorneys and American Escrow Accounts. The accountability is a no-contest when compared to the competition. If you are nervous about building a home here in Rocky Point then talk with Rocky Point Home Builders, we guarantee you will fee assured that you will design and build the home of your dreams.

For more information about Rocky Point Home Builders call 815-553-2683 U.S.  or 638-383-6524 M.X. today or visit our website at on the internet .

Design Your Dream Home with Rocky Point Home Builders

IMG_8003Rocky Point Home Builders is a Design/Build contractor meaning we take your project from conception to construction to completion. Our turn-key
design/construction process can have you in your home in as little as 8 weeks starting as low as $45 a sq f1t.

We specialize in the design of your home and working one on one with our architect design team, we will design the home of your dreams according to your exact specifications.   IMG_8004

Designing a home in Puerto Peñasco with Rocky Point Home Builders is inexpensive when you compare it to similar services in the United States. Our design packages include 4 renders of your home and a virtual tour of the outside of your home so you can see it before you build it!

IMG_9231Once your home is designed, we take your blueprints to city hall and get all the permits and signatures required to start construction of your home. We make the process easy for our customers by navigating the bureaucracy here on their behalf.
IMG_9184We always tell our customers the best part about constructing a home in Puerto Peñasco is the time you spend designing it. This is the part where you can dream and try to make everything a reality. Also designing your home gets the processed started so you are proactively working towards your goal.

Rb2a1d394a0ed7827384289d7fd26aeecocky Point Home Builders is located in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora Mexico and is the leader for home design and construction.
Their 2000 sq. ft. office located on Luis Encinas and Calle 24 houses their entire operation to include structural and mechanical engineers, architects, customer service reps and sales. Unlike their competitors, Rocky Point Home Builders does not use sub-contractors and directly employs all workers ensuring quality is to the highest standards using only the best materials. Call 815-553-2683 today or visit us online at


Rocky Point Home Builders constructing three new homes

Tremendous Growth Expected for 2016

We are the largest home builder in Puerto Peñasco and we are excited to announce three new home builds, one in Las Conchas Lot 5, Sec 5 and another located within the city and a new home to start in whale hill. We invite everybody to stop by and take a look at our projects the next time you are in the area.

A render of current home under construction
in Las Conchas, Sec 5, Lot 5.
We are a design/build home contractor so we take your job from conception to completion. Our architectural and engineering services are unmatched and we have a two-step easy payment process in place that allows most people to build a home. We design and build beautiful custom homes in Rocky Point while eliminating the headaches and logistics associated with construction in a foreign country.
We added services in 2016 to include our Vacation Home & Condo Preventative Maintenance Program which includes a 30 day inspection, maintenance and repair service for a low monthly cost which is important given the salt-air climate. It is insurance against future in-home disasters and is great for people who don’t live in their properties full time.
A render of the second home under construction
by our company in town.
Combine our Preventative Maintenance Program with our Property Management Program for a single source solution that covers all your maintenance, repairs, bill paying, house cleaning, laundry and 24/7 emergency service.
Thank you for taking time to learn about our company each month. We appreciate any referrals you can pass our way. Contact us at 815-553-2683 today for more infor