Considerations when Building or Purchasing a Home in Puerto Peñasco

By Joseph Sanchez
President, Rocky Point Home Builders

Each year, many Americans and Canadians decide to make Puerto Peñasco their home away from home by either purchasing an existing home or by purchasing an empty lot in order to build their dream home in the future. Whichever route you pursue, there are important things to consider for each.

Building a New Home
Building a home on a lot that you purchased is great way to get exactly what you want but most people are intimidated by the process and think it’s difficult. Building your dream home in Puerto Peñasco is not a difficult process and there has never been a better time to start construction given the strength of the dollar and the competitive lot prices.

Building your dream home in Puerto Peñasco is not a difficult process and there has never been a better time to start construction.

Building a home in Rocky Point Mexico is a big decision that makes most Americans nervous. You need to choose a company you can trust to not steal materials, cut any corners and stay on time with the schedule and most importantly on budget. Make sure the company you choose has a presence and notoriety in the community. Ask for a list of references that you can call to investigate before you sign a contract.

In order to protect yourself during the process you want to contract with a company that holds an American corporation in the United States. This is important because if there is ever a disagreement or breach of contract you would have the ability to take legal recourse in the United States versus Mexico.

A typical home build is in the six-figure range so you want to protect that money by working with a company that utilizes a 3rd party American escrow bank accounts that are responsible for the distribution of funds per your contract agreement to the construction company.

Purchasing an Existing Home
Purchasing an existing home has many benefits as well but one thing to consider is having a renovation budget set aside to upgrade the home to modern standards. Many of the existing homes for sale can be 15 years or older depending on the location so you will want to consider upgrading some things such as the electric, plumbing, installing a new kitchen, bathroom, maintenance repairs etc.,

Renovating a home is serious business so you must have a plan that helps to accurately quote the project and to determine the steps for completion. When I say the word, “plan” I mean an engineered drawing or blue print, depending on the scope of work that will guide your contractor from start to completion. Choose a company that has design services so you benefit from single source responsibility and can see the results before you begin work. Not all projects require a design but if you are adding an addition or renovating a bathroom or kitchen for example, we encourage you to spend a little extra money on a design. You will make up that money saving on materials, time and eliminating any costly mistakes.

When it comes to making major renovations to your home you will want to ensure you are hiring a reputable company that follows all Federal labor laws, who acquires all necessary permits and knows and understands any HOA rules and regulations. Most Americans do not realize this but Mexico is highly protective of worker’s rights and medical wellness and it’s the hiring company’s responsibility to ensure those rights are respected. If you hire a company that does not follow the labor laws and a worker gets hurt on your job you are liable for their medical bills and you can be fined.

About the author: Joseph Sanchez is president of Rocky Point Home Builders a design/build contractor specializing in custom home design, construction and renovations. He resides here in Puerto Peñasco with his wife and two children and is originally from Chicago. For more information email him at

Insulation Options for your Rocky Point Home

by Joseph Sanchez
President, Rocky Point Home Builders

There are ways to insulate your existing or new home that will not break the bank and provide an improved level of energy efficiency. Insulating a home is a practical way to achieve energy efficiency but most homes constructed here in Puerto Peñasco typically do not incorporate any insulation because concrete block naturally offers a minimal level of R-protection (typically 2.5-3.0), insulation can be expensive for people building on a budget and although hot in the summer, Puerto Peñasco is pretty moderate during the winter so some people feel that they can get by without it. The three options below are all economical ways to insulate your existing or new home construction.

Perlite Foam

rocky point home builders
Pictured is the Perlite Foam masonry fill Insulation

Perlite Foam is a loose-fill masonry insulation that is used to fill in the cores or tunnels of hollow masonry walls. Perlite is an inorganic mineral that has thermal properties and is the least expensive way to insulate your new construction home. This can be used only on new-home construction and cannot be retrofitted to an existing home. Perlite offers excellent fire resistant properties, is lightweight and does not require any special equipment or skills. You could expect an R value around 5-6 depending on the size of block you are using. Perlite Foam only adds about $3 sq. ft. to the overall construction price of the home. This option should be considered if you are building a new home. With the R-value of concrete block combined with the R-value of Perlite Foam, you could achieve a total R-value of 7.5-9 depending on the size of your concrete block.

Den Glass Exterior Insulation

Pictured is Den Glass Insulation
Pictured is Den Glass Insulation an effective way to insulate the exterior walls of your home.

An effective way to insulate the home is to apply Den Glass Sheathing to the home’s exterior walls. Den Glass has excellent thermal properties while being air, water, mold and fire resistant. It can achieve an R-value of around 4.5 per inch of thickness used. This is a product is great for people who have an existing home because it can be retrofitted to an existing home. With the R-value of concrete block combined with the R-value of Den Glass, you could achieve a total R-value of 7.0-7.5 depending on the size of your block. Combine the Den Glass and Perlite Foam with the block and you are achieving an R-value of 12-13.5. Den glass can add $7 U.S.D per sq. ft. to the cost of constructing your home!

Conventional Insulation System

rocky point home builders
Pictured is Insulation with Studs a traditional means of insulating the inside of your home.

Of course you can also use the traditional means of insulating a home by erecting metals studs inside the home over the interior walls and inserting the type of insulation with the R-value you desire. Once your insulation is installed you would then install your sheet rock, tape, mud and sand the walls. This would achieve the best R-value but combined with the other two options your home would be highly energy efficient. Installing a conventional insulation system will add $12-$15 U.S.D. a sq. ft. to the construction of a home depending on level of R-value.

For more information about how you can insulate your home properly or about any other construction concerns feel free to contact me at or by phone at 815-553-2683.

About the author: Joseph Sanchez is president of Rocky Point Home Builders a design/build contractor specializing in custom home design, construction and renovations. 

Tips for Renovating your Puerto Peñasco Home

Pictured is a conceptual render of a great room renovation. Having an engineered design allows you to see how your project looks before it’s finished.
Pictured is a conceptual render of a great room renovation. Having an engineered design allows you to see how your project looks before it’s finished.

Spring Forward with these Renovations Tips
By Joseph Sanchez
President, Rocky Point Home Builders serving Puerto Peñasco, Mexico

Spring time is the best time of year to renovate a property especially in Puerto Peñasco but whether you are re-doing a kitchen or adding on more living space, be sure to take the following steps to ensure your project is done right! Also in Mexico, there are steps you should take to ensure your contractor meets Mexico’s labor laws or you can face fines and un-welcomed trouble.

Have a plan

Having a plan is as important especially if you are adding an addition or renovating a kitchen or bathroom. Renovating a home is serious business so you must have a plan that helps to accurately quote the project and to determine the steps for completion. When I say the word, “plan” I mean an engineered drawing or blue print, depending on the scope of work that will guide your contractor from start to completion. Choose a company that has design services so you benefit from single source responsibility and can see the results before you begin work. Not all projects require a design but if you are adding an addition or renovating a bathroom or kitchen for example, we encourage you to spend a little extra money on a design. You will make up that money saving on materials, time and eliminating any costly mistakes.

Hiring a Good Rocky Point Contractor

When it comes to making major renovations to your home you will want to ensure you are hiring a reputable Puerto Peñasco Contractor that follows all Federal labor laws, who acquires all necessary permits and knows and understands any HOA rules and regulations.

Most Americans do not realize this but Mexico is highly protective of worker’s rights and medical wellness and it’s the hiring company’s responsibility to ensure those rights are respected.  A reputable Puerto Peñasco Contractor company abides by all Federal Labor Laws which includes workers being paid a federally mandated minimum salary and the hiring company must pay into the Social Security Insurance system.  This is very important because the Social Security system here is similar to workman’s comp insurance in the states. But the difference is if a worker is injured on the job the government will pay for their medical costs so long as the company they worked for follows the laws and pays into the social security system on behalf of the worker. However, if you hire a Rocky Point Contractor that does not follow the labor laws and a worker gets hurt on your job you are liable for their medical bills and you can be fined. The problem is many Puerto Peñasco Contractors do not follow the law to keep their prices low but they do so to your detriment.

Buyer Beware

To avoid paying for an injured worker and being fined, ask prospective Rocky Point Contractors if they directly employ their workers or if they use sub-contractors. If they directly employ workers ask them for this month’s Cédula de Determinación to prove that they pay into the social security system. If a company uses sub-contractors we recommend choosing a different Puerto Peñasco Contractor because they will have no control the sub-contractors labor practices it’s like rolling the dice. You want to focus on hiring a company that directly employs its workers, follows the labor laws and pays into Mexico’s social security system.  Again do these things to protect yourself because you will be responsible for any accidents requiring a doctor’s visit plus be fined and even have your jobsite potentially shut down. You will pay a little more for a reputable contractor but in the end the job will be done right, on time and budget while following Mexico’s stringent labor laws.

About the author: Joseph Sanchez is president of Rocky Point Home Builders a design/build contractor specializing in custom home design, construction and renovations. He resides here in Puerto Peñasco with his wife and two children and is originally from Chicago.

Rocky Point Home Builders and Home Design
Choose a company that has design services so you can stay on time and most of all on budget.

Rocky Point Home Builder-Secrets to Building your Dream Home in Puerto Peñasco

Building a home in Puerto Peñasco a.k.a. Rocky Point is not a difficult process but you must choose a company IMG_9238with an outstanding reputation, a company who abides by Federal Labor Laws, a company who does not use sub-contractors and finally a company who uses American Construction Contracts and American Escrow accounts.

When deciding to build a home in Rocky Point Mexico you must ensure the company you choose follows the Mexican Federal Labor Laws. Here in Mexico, the labor laws are strict as they are in the States. However it is much easier for companies to skirt these laws and most every home builder here in Puerto Peñasco do what they can to skirt these laws. If you hire a company that does not follow the Federal Labor LawIMG_9236s the government can fine your or worse seize your home and you can be responsible to pay any medical bills for any injuries that occur on the job-site.

A company that follows labor laws will pay into the Federal medical insurance system for their workers so if a worker gets injured the company along with government will pay the medical bills. Think of it as workers comp insurance as in the States. However, Beware of companies that hire sub-contractors because 99.9% of the time they are being paid cash with no benefits and you will be on the hook for an injury or if the sub-company does not get paid by yIMG_9183our contractor. An easy way to ensure this does not happen is to hire a company that does NOT hire sub-contractors. At Rocky Point Home Builders we DO follow all labor laws and all our workers are direct employees. We pay into the social security system for each worker and also pay what’s called Infanovit which is another labor benefit. We pay our workers what is mandated by the Federal Government and this protects our clients from any embarrassment. Never use a company who hires sub-contractors or you will be sorry that you did.
Building a home in Rocky Point Mexico is a big decision and makes most Americans nervous. Most Americans do not live here full time so you need a company you can trust with a presence and notoriety in the community. When yo are read to build a home look around town for billboards, check local papeIMG_8003rs for advertisements, make sure the construction company has a website and most of all an office. We have seen it too many times, people will hire a friend off a recommendation. The friend has no office, no contracting, no website nothing. What ends up happening is the job does not get completed, the workers will steal all the materials, there is a lack of communication therefore major mistakes and on and on.

Another requirement should be a list of references that you can call to investigate. Also, it is important that the company has an office in town that is staffed during the day. A company without an office isn’t really a company, so buyer beware. Finally look at their media presence in town, does the company have billboards, to they have a website, what about a Facebook page and finally do they run ads in local newspapers. A no” to any of those things should be a red flag for any American looking to build a home in Puerto
Peñasco, Mexico.

IMG_8009Rocky Point Home Builders is the largest home builder in Puerto Peñasco,Mexico. With offices here in Rocky Point, they directly employee over 50 workers significantly impacting the local economy. Rocky Point Home Builders does not use sub-contractors. Best of all, they are an American Company who uses American Contracts with American Attorneys and American Escrow Accounts. The accountability is a no-contest when compared to the competition. If you are nervous about building a home here in Rocky Point then talk with Rocky Point Home Builders, we guarantee you will fee assured that you will design and build the home of your dreams.

For more information about Rocky Point Home Builders call 815-553-2683 U.S.  or 638-383-6524 M.X. today or visit our website at on the internet .